Thursday, November 1, 2012

Center Dashboard

The dashboard of the Rondo is very similar to most vehicles on the road.  It has most of the standard featurers such as(from top to bottom): easily visibal clock from any seat in the wagon and to the right of the clock is to tell if the passanger is wearing their seat belt or not.  With in the passenger seat is a scale.  This is a handy tool because when a passenger weighs over a certain amount the air bag will be turned on.  This is a great safety feature to have if your child is on the boarder of getting hurt with an air bag.  More fantastic qualities are an easily excessable hazard light for when you need to pull over on the side of the road, a CD player, AM and FM radio, with seeking ability, and twelve total presets for your favorite stations.  The standard radio in the Rondo has a very nice sound and with the equilizer it adds to its superiority over most standard vehicles radio's.  Lower down are three knobs to control the air conditioning and max air conditioning, heat (which is fanominal), and different settings for for each one.  Below these knobs are the defrost for the rear and whether to take in new air from outside when the fan is on or to recycle the air on the inside.  Last is the shifter, and in the Rondos they all have a way to shirt yourself but without a clutch called "slapstick".

Look here to find some cool dashboard kits:


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